Monday, January 18, 2010

12-14-09 Visit from Landon and Sister Rich

This change is way fun with Elder Puga, we get along so well. I always get him laughing. This week was a good week. First of all on Tuesday as you already know Elder Rich came with his mom, it was awesome. We did that activity that I play with the members, they love it, but ya I was there translating while Elder Rich was talking and when he gave his testimony in front of everyone I was translated and she started crying. It was a cool experience, she also took photos of me and filmed talking to the people explaining the actividad to the people. It was way fun playing with the members being there with Landon and hi mom. Ask her for the photos and footage, that should hold you over until I get home ha-ha.

This weekend we will have three baptisms, Eduardo 20 years old, Juan 85 years old, Freddy 26 year old, then we have a little girl that will get baptized the day after Christmas, named Jackie. We have a couple of people that want to get baptized but we are trying to get them married.

It was hard translating for Gwenn, not because I didn’t know what they were saying in Spanish but I had forgotten the words in English, like family home evening, she had to help me with that one, in Spanish its night of home, noche de hogar.

elder ridge

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