Monday, January 18, 2010

11-30-09 New Companion and a trip to Lima

Well, the changes are here, im staying!!!! I’m way excited, my new comp is Elder Puga, I heard he is a cool kid, it should be a fun change, we are going to be together for Christmas, he is from Guatemala, I’m way excited to get going. My companion elder Neito is going to Lima.

This week we baptized Emerson, he is 10 and his family are members, he comes from a little village down the river to come to church, he is way cool.

Last week I ate turtle, it was kind of weird, some times they eat monkey here, I kind of want to try it. This might be the last time im in the jungle. I’m going to work hard and enjoy the jungle.

We have a family that wants to get married and baptized, its a returned missionaries family, he got back last week and now his parents want to change, we will see how it goes with them. There is a lot of potential in this area and I’m way excited to get going with a strong companion.

The meeting with Elder Pino was really good, we all got to go up and talk to him for a little bit, it was really good to get to know him. He talked about the importance of our calling as missionaries and working hard and how we should be.

We went and stayed the night where I started out the mission again in the Tahauntisuyo house, I got to see some people from my first area, it was fun, Tuesday after the meeting we had all day to do nothing, me and schofield and Briggs and McDowell just talked the whole afternoon while our comps slept, it was nice to talk English.

I’m way excited to hear about the baby, I hope everything goes ok and the baby is healthy, I am kind of happy I wont be there so I don’t have to hear Emily yelling at Scott, YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!! and other stuff, I can pass on that but im way excited to hear about it.

love elder ridge

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