Monday, November 2, 2009

Answers to Questions, good investigators and a Great Bishop

To answer your questions:

My companion and I are fine now, just had to break him in a little. He complains sometimes but I just say I don’t want to hear it in a nice way. He is working hard with me.

My zone leaders are Elder Rodriguez and Elder Schofield. Elder Schofield is going to finish this change and he is awesome. He is teaching me a lot on how to do the things as a district leader.

The food here is the same, its not that good. I’m already getting skinny. They always give me like rice and a little piece of meat like chicken, or chicken feet or cow stomach. It’s not that good. I kind of miss a Carls Jr.

In my room there is a refrigerator but not a microwave.

The shower water is cold but it feels good because its so hot here and yes I sleep in a mosquito net. I put the net around my fan so the fan is like right there in the bed to keep me cooler but I still sweat at night. I shower at night and in the morning and I enter sweating and leaving sweating. However, I love the jungle.

I am not taking my garlic pills because there aren’t any fleas here but there are tarantulas in our room and they are big.

I do wear my boots when it rains and yes I left a piece of luggage in Lima.

This week was a good week. We found a lot of people to teach. Yesterday we had 18 investigators come to church. 4 are getting baptized on November 14th and 1 on the 21st. This week we have people to visit to challenge them to baptism.

This month is going to be awesome, one of our investigators is Martin, he is 23 and his uncle is a member, he wants to be a missionary, he is in second nefi, he comes to church and goes to the activities, he is awesome. He is one of the strongest investigator I have seen. We also have a family. The dad and mom are married and have three children, two are members, the daughter that isn’t is 14, we are really trying hard to baptism them, they want to get baptized, but they didn’t come to church so we are going to visit them and see how things are going.

We also have a couple of families that want to get married and then baptized, it would be amazing to marry a couple families and baptize them but they have problems with their papers and stuff so it might take a while.

Also I don’t think I told you guys but last week I had my first interview with Edgar who is 50. I was nervous but I did it good and the interview was really spiritual. I asked him who he wanted to baptize him and he said well this interview was really special so I want you to do it. So I was like ya if you want I can do it, so I baptized him last Saturday, it was a cool experience. I baptized the first person I interviewed.

I have a couple of interviews this week I’m so excited.

When you go to see Elder Rich tell him I say hi.

They don’t celebrate Halloween here in the jungle. They know what it is but they are not into it like we are in the states.

Our new pensionista is the Bishops wife, she cooks good. The Bishop here is awesome. He does so much for the Ward. This ward actually has home teachers and visiting teachers. It’s the first time I have seen it here in Peru. There are also ward missionaries and they actually work with us. This ward is way cool. There is attendance of 200 on average on Sunday. It gets pretty filled up in sacrament.

Everything is going good, the work is going great here and I hope it stays that way.

Well thank you for everything, thanks for the support, I love you guys

Love Elder Ridge

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