Monday, January 5, 2009

Transfers, Baptisms and New Years Eve

Well changes are here and I’m going......... no where!
HaHa I’m not going anywhere, it’s cool, when I first found out I was a little disappointed cause I
want to go see another part of the city or the jungle but it’s all good I won’t mind being in this area and this change is 5 weeks. Elder Roldan is leaving me though which is sad, my new companion is Elder Maldanado he is from here in Lima, he is actually the companion of Elder Taylor right now, and Taylor told me he is amazing, he works really hard but he makes things fun and is a really cool guy so I’m pretty excited to get him. The next change ends 11 of February so I know I will go somewhere then. Elder Cheesman is with me still which is awesome, we both are staying and getting new companions, we have been there together since September. Wow time goes by fast.

Our baptism was awesome, I baptized the 10 year old Jeanpier and Elder Roldan baptized the 8 year old Jericho. Ivan is going to get the priesthood so I’m pretty excited for him, he showed up at church yesterday with tie and white shirt and a briefcase, it was awesome, he is going to be a Bishop one day.

Our news year was pretty cool, we stayed up until 1 in the morning, here it’s a little different, they do fireworks here but there is no regulation on what type so there were big old pipe bombs going off shaking the windows. I have footage of the fireworks going off like 20 feet above me in the air and it’s raining ashes, it’s dangerous, they light off so many fireworks that we couldn’t see the sun the next day, the also burn these life size dolls. (Customs associated with the New Year are intended to bring good luck- a popular tradition is to dress up a doll - (or effigy) with old clothes and then burn it, which signifies getting rid of the old, and making a new start.) It was so hot that night form all the fires, our room was filled with smoke.

We went to the temple, that was way cool, my Spanish was a lot better than the first time I went. Elder Cheesman and I were outside the Temple and this lady walked up to us and we said, hi how are you in Spanish and she goes, hi elders how are you in English and it took us by surprise, we were like oh, how’s it going. She was from Dallas Texas visiting temples, with a guide, it’s so weird to hear people talk to you in English in the street, it takes you by surprise haha. Our Latin companions don’t know a lick of English so I literally talk in Spanish all day every day.

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